Genius Activation Podcast

Elevate Your Genius: Mary Barnett

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Genius Activation Podcast, I invite you to explore how you can Elevate Your Genius. As we unpack the Genius Journey of our very first heart seat guest, Mary Barnett, prepare to have ah-ha moments about your own. She’s the founder and CEO of Another Brilliant Idea, Inc., which is a certified small and women-owned boutique marketing firm. In the industry of Mobile and Social Marketing Technology, she’s producing award-winning results for her clients around the world as lovingly known as “Mobile Mary”. In her massive circle of friends, she’s known for her huge heart for service. Although she is already successfully living in her genius, she’s consistently, persistently, and enthusiastically growing. As a listener of this podcast, I know you are too! So, enjoy this week’s episode. Click Here > < to apply to be in the heart seat.

Episode Notes

Episode Quotes:


Episode Notes:

In this episode of the Genius Activation Podcast, I invite you to explore how you can Elevate Your Genius. As we unpack the Genius Journey of our very first heart seat guest, Mary Barnett, prepare to have ah-ha moments about your own.

She’s the founder and CEO of Another Brilliant Idea, Inc., which is a certified small and women-owned boutique marketing firm. In the industry of Mobile and Social Marketing Technology, she’s producing award-winning results for her clients around the world as lovingly known as “Mobile Mary”. In her massive circle of friends, she’s known for her huge heart for service. 

Although she is already successfully living in her genius, she’s consistently, persistently, and enthusiastically growing. As a listener of this podcast, I know you are too! So, enjoy this week’s episode. Click Here > to apply to be in the heart seat.


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About Your Host:

Yvonne’s unique expression of genius is in creating joy, healing, and fulfillment. Some of the many vehicles she uses to express her genius are as a singer-songwriter, author, speaker, podcaster, coach, and healer. Her work is guiding people to live in their genius. This requires mastering the Resilience Response™ which is the complete rewiring of your Survival Codes™ into Genius Codes™. 

A partial list of her training includes master certifications in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), life/executive coach, timeline therapy, hypnotherapy, emotional release, massage, and Reiki. She’s integrated decades of these studies into successful practices and processes to adapt to the energetic and linguistic changes one needs to make in their both subconscious and their daily life to allow her clients to immediately release negative, self-sabotaging behavior patterns and instantly transform and replace them with positively integrated, desire focused activities, techniques, tools, and outcomes.

The Play To Win Podcast is her first international* platform to be a visionary catalyst for entrepreneurs to discover how to master the art of fulfillment. *Currently in 44 countries! Now, she’s bringing her proprietary systems of working with personal energies and internal language directly to you with the Genius Activation Podcast!

Tune in to Episode Five to gain simple, practical processes to thrive in your genius with one of our Genius Zone Mastermind experts, Marla Williams!

Episode Transcription

Welcome to today's show, I'm Yvonne Larson, your host, and today's episode is our very first genius exploration conversation with a brave listener joining us in the heart seat, who wants to access, activate and align their genius in a deeper way, Miss Mary Barnett, welcome to the show.

It is so great to be here, Yvonne. I'm so excited for your new adventure, so I just have a quick question for you: What sparked your curiosity about aligning more deeply with your genius?

Well, anything that you're involved in. Of course, I'm interested in it. But the fact that you are talking about your genius, and my brand is, and my company name is Another Brilliant Idea and so everything we do is brilliant, obviously, our software is called brilliant mobile messaging. 

We are building mobile apps, everything is brilliant and so when you said that you wanted to help tune into our genius that obviously sparked my attention because we always need to be learning and moving to a higher level and serving people at a higher level.

So that's why I was excited about being your first podcast listener, I'm so excited, our listener, I should say, participant.

Very good and yeah I was so super excited when you like, just jumped up, you're like, pick me, pick me, I was like wow that's amazing.

He only says yes, say yes and figure that out how right

Yes, and I'm constantly doing that.

That's what makes you so brilliant.

It actually is. It is one of the three things that I need in order to tap into my genius, which is, you know, playing in the unknown, trusting the process, and leaning very very heavily in my courage. I need those three things.

Amen sister!

Without things, I cannot access my genius 


So this is our first moment of acting in faith and having this whole thing happen. So…

That’s awesome. Thank you.  So, yeah, so the next thing is an ask is more about like you and you know what your business is all about. So yeah I if you want to share a little bit more about like, the process like how you got into what you're doing and, and I know I do know you personally in real life so there have been multiple iterations of what you're doing. So if you want to take a few minutes just to like share that so that we know, like who you are in the world and you know you might want to mention about your family and different things you're engaged in your life. So yeah, just get who is Mobile Mary?

Oh my goodness so deep, here we go. Well yeah, so I again Mary Barnett. They call me “Mobile Mary” as I am an expert in the space of mobile marketing. 

I've actually been in business for 32 years, and I know I'm only 33 So I'm quite the go-getter. But I started my marketing business in 1988, and we're doing traditional marketing for the first 20 years so everything from corporate events and promotions and out everything you would traditionally think of marketing.

And then in 2007, one of my clients was Kawasaki, and they were complaining that their dealers weren't filling as the love that they wanted right it was after a dealer meeting and so I didn't say it, innocently asked well what do you do for your dealers? And they said, well and they went off, you know, telling us…

I said, well, aren't your dealers mobile? They said, like what do you mean. I said well they're not home getting their direct mail you're sending they're not getting, I'm getting their email because at the time, there's only flip phones right the iPhone had just come out that year.

And I said well you know they're carrying around a device that could actually get them your marketing messages and hopefully drive them to your dealership. And they’re like what is it? I'm like the cell phone. Like you could literally send him a text message and encourage them to get to a local dealer and get some deal. And all of a sudden I mean, there it is possible I'm just reading this great article and they started doing this at a very small, you know, regional level, and literally it was one guy. 

Oh my goodness.

So yeah, so I said, and I said, I'm sure we can do that. And they're like, okay, well, you figure it out and let us know and talk to my agencies and tell them what you know, convince them that this will work. And I'm like, oh, okay. So I basically, contacted this little software engineer and I said, Hey, I said do you think we could do this nationwide? And he's like, okay So over the next year and a half, I basically every time that Kawasaki agencies told me that I couldn't do something I'd say oh sure we can do that. 

Then I’d call my engineer. And I'm like okay, how do we do that? We have to be able to find out their name and their and their what kind of bike they like and what color they like, and you know…

So we built this software basically from the ground up and then we launched it in 2009, and we drove over 93,000 new customers to their dealerships across the country. And it was like the very first national campaign that had ever been done, we won all these kinds of cool awards and I was like you know what, this is it. 

I had never received that kind of response. Now I'm not talking about the client, but from consumers, like there was all this data and they and like as a marketing person like my little, you know, the geeky mind was going crazy. I'm like, Oh my gosh, this works so I was like this is so awesome. 

So we kind of dove, you know, all in, into text marketing. And we started adding other mobile features obviously apps and mobile websites and all kinds of things and then when social started, you know, getting popular. We incorporated social marketing because people needed some way to promote it. Because nobody was willing to put money into it because they thought, guess what, the cell phone was a fad. 

Can you believe that they were like, oh no I don't think that people are gonna do you know like, Oh seriously in about five years, you won't leave the house without  your phone, your wallet, your keys. Yeah, like in that order. So, 

No joke.

Yeah right, and so it was like, but people... Seriously, they didn't think. So it was kind of slow going, I had to, like, really like. I had to do a lot of stuff for free and I'm like come on I can, I can do this for you I can build you a list and you know you don't want to rely on social media only like social media is a great way to build your platform. 

Show your authority. You know I'm all about social media, but at the end of the day, you don't own social media. So Mark Zuckerberg can shut you down in a blink. So you need to own that database of people who know and like and trust you who want to hear from you who want the offers that you have.

So I'm always like, Please offer your people an easy way to join your list, then you have the power. You can tap into your genius, by sharing that with the world be it a coach, be it a restaurant, etc. We help everyone from the military. We have military clients, cities, schools, restaurants, retail stores, so I'm just so excited to be able to serve and especially now with people having to go completely online.

And you're always on your phone like literally screen time has quadrupled. And people, if they want what you have, they want a message, a text message, it makes it really easy so I'm sorry I just kind of went off on that but I just get so good.

Yes, you did, you did. So let's make sure that we share like other areas of your life.

Yes. Well, the only reason I do all this is because I do have a beautiful family that I have to feed. So I have three beautiful children, who are 19, 22, and 26. I have a beautiful husband, who we've been married to and  summer was 33 years.

And so those are my ‘whys’. My family. I want to leave a legacy that you know lets my kids know that this is possible. Like if you have an idea and you have a passion, like with hard work and consistency and always doing what you say and saying what you do that you can be successful. And you could bless the world and leave it in a better place than you found it. So that really is what I'm, I'm doing. The money is just a bonus but I really want to make sure that they know that they can do anything they put their mind to work hard at.

Very, very, you've been speaking for a while. I don't mean today. I mean, over the years. You've had a podcast and you have a lot of speaking engagements. So you are very good at wrapping all the things up, together with a beautiful bow.

Ahhh, thank you. It's funny is I don't feel that so I really appreciate you telling me that,

Yeah. And what's really beautiful about exactly what just happened is, you know, you said I'm so passionate about that thing. So this, this specific conversation that we have, this genius exploration conversation, is really about discovering where you are really doing an amazing job thriving in your genius, and then also to identify areas where maybe you haven't yet, you're not thriving, or it's just not activated or you haven't even begun to access it. 

So it's just really beautiful to see one area that you know we can draw upon to see what are the elements that have you be so genius. And what's missing and all of this kind of thing so there's three different levels that we're going to look at so we're going to look at. I'm going to just kind of define them for us as well.

And what's, what's also happening here, it's not just the conversation that you and I are having. But as I said in my welcome episode that, you know any other listener at this point has the opportunity to be a fly on the wall and reflect in their own life, as we share, you know about yours. Like where this is happening for them. And kind of you know they can get out a pen and paper and do some work or you can listen and just reflect upon it if you're in the middle of, you know, exercising or driving. I certainly don't think you should take notes if you're on the road.  Please don't.

But let's just look at these three different places, so that we know exactly what needs to be done so, thriving if you are thriving in your genius you are feeling alive. You're full of vitality.You're, you're thriving. You're in this, you're aligned with the, with the work that you're doing and you actually do feel a sense of, like, vitality and joy and fulfillment. It's just, it's just like delicious, right?  

And we got a sense of that when you're sharing about what it is that you do, right?


Then another level is complacent. So it's kind of like you know what, I feel good. Everything's fine. You know everyone around me would say that my life is great and like I would be embarrassed to complain about my life because like it's pretty good. But like, I know there's still something missing. I want something. I want more. Like there's, there's more.

I think we all do. Yeah, you always want… you're always pushing yourself to go to the next level. I love it. 

Yeah, and then disconnected. So like this is, and there's a number of people that have really been tested this last year that we've gone through. And this is, they become aware of, you know how disconnected, they have been or have become over the years. So this is a space of feeling uninspired, unmotivated, like you're living life on autopilot, or you're just completely, you don't even know what your purpose is.

So like those are the three levels, thriving, complacent and disconnected. So just keep those in mind. And as we move forward, I'm going to actually have you think for a moment, I'm gonna give you a moment to consider. How do you define genius?

Oh my goodness, for myself, or for others, or the world-scope.


You’re so funny. 

I know. 


Okay. Um, I love that. 

Well, for myself. It's kind of interesting. My partner actually once pointed out to me that I'm often not satisfied with things that I offer because I'm not impressed with them anymore. So I'm constantly trying to up my game and improve on something that is working great for people who, that's all they need. I mean that, even if I ordered, if I offered even more he would overwhelm them and would not be of service to them.

So by keeping it more simple. Even though I feel like, Oh, but I can do so much more. He's like, you're still doing something amazing for them, you have to stop thinking that you're not enough.

You have to suffer a proverbial slap on the, on the wrist because that's my thing, it's like oh my gosh, you know I've been offering text marketing for what 12 years now, and I'm always like, oh well everybody's heard it everybody's I need to up my game and add more stuff and blah blah blah. But there are some people who have never even done it yet and so why, exactly. Yeah, it's like wow that is genius. 

And so, for myself, I think I have to be less hard on myself and less expecting always to amaze myself, because, you know, we're all our own worst critic, right? We, we all do. That so it's the realization that I am enough and that my genius is enough to do amazing things and have amazing results for my customers. And so that would be an inner reflection of me when I think about the genius of others. 

I think of where they shine right. Where, what sparks them. What lights them up.  Something I was told once by, I think, a mentor that we both had at one time Adam Urbanski, I remember him saying that whatever you can do the easiest is what you should charge the most for… 


And I was like…   That was like… That kind of blew my mind. I'm like what, you know? I was like what do you mean? So I had to unpack that. And I think sometimes we think, as I just mentioned earlier like we think what we can do easily everybody knows how to do. But the reality is they don't but I still struggle with that so I think when I see someone doing something so effortlessly I think well that's their genius.

You know, like Yeah, like you're pouring into women and you're doing all this awesome work and that comes naturally to you and that is your genius, which is kind of cool. And then on the world scale it's the, you know, when people again show up to be of service to each other and, you know, step into the light and say let me help you with that or let me do something for you that's going to make the world a better place. I think that's where they, the world shines, is genius. 

You know, taking kindness on a larger scale and again stepping, stepping out I started this program here locally called F.L.A.G. 

Front Line Appreciation Group,  where we are, we've been raising money to pay restaurants. So they survive, to deliver food to our frontline heroes, hospitals, police and fire and senior-home workers. People are, you know, putting their, you know, lives on the line every day, right, and it has brought me so much joy. I just wanted to help, but I have been so blessed in return. 

Seeing people who have taken up the mantle and saying, How can I help I had this one volunteer who was like I was saying, you know, what other groups can we have I mean, they're the poor you know people stocking the shelves the toilet paper getting verbally beat up every day and she's like, let me help. 

Like all organized and people to come and so we started decorating grocery store rest break rooms. With that said, You're doing a great job, keep it Oh, and because we were doing that for the hospitals we were making the signs that all the students who are bored to death at home. We're making the science for extra credit. And so we took it to the next level, you know the grocery stores, and then they felt blessed and it was like this ripple effect. 

That was just It filled me with so much joy over the past year, I, you know I feel like even though it was helping others, it actually helped me more keep my mental health and keep going. So I think that the genius is finding where you can really step in the light and help other people will, you know, when you give back like that it fills you more to the brim than you could even imagine.

That's amazing. I mean this is one of the reasons why I love you so much. You have always lived from this space of, how can I be a blessing, how can I be a blessing, like it's this question that completely compels you to be of service and it's just so beautiful because there's actually. 

So, the work that I do with people in this Genius Activation System is distinguishing what their genius activation code is and it's a combination of yeah it's a combination of nine different power states and I'm already hearing, one of the three elements. Three, three aspects exactly the three aspects so there's the combination of elements, experience, and expression. We're not going to dive into that right now but I'm already hearing, one of the, nine codes, elements of the code. Yeah, exactly. 

Yeah, yeah. So what I do want to have you do now, again, just take a moment. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and, and, and consider, you know, with a definition that you just now gave us of genius. Who would you say is a genius, role model for you.

Oh gosh. Genius role model. Yeah, go down this file and we think. There are so many people that are doing such great things.

Yeah, so, you can actually say that so the next question really and maybe you want to approach it from this viewpoint instead. Um, typically what I'll have you have someone to is actually identify, Like, who their genius role model is and from that point, we begin to unpack why. And so then, the ‘why’ you have someone as a role model is the qualities and the traits that that person has and that points to the things that you value. 

So, let's you know from maybe from that vantage point so you can pick and choose like if you were maybe if you are combining all of your role models into the perfect role model like so, who and like, I love this about that person that about this person or, yeah, just go, go where you want to go with this.

Oh my goodness. 

Complete flexibility. 

Well, I think people, you know, show up on different levels, I mean obviously somebody like Steve Jobs, he's not around anymore but bless his heart, and rest in peace. But he was always looking at how else you know he could serve and, you know, there's all this controversy around him of course and most geniuses have right controversy around them, but he was always wanting to, you know, break the mold and disrupt as they would say in the marketing world disrupt his industry.

Just like the people who started Uber and started all the other cutting-edge technology and things. I look at Steve Jobs and say wow, like he decided to kind of, quote, fight the man right, 

And another one of my favorite movies is Tucker, I don't know if you have ever seen it before Jeff Bridges plays. It's a real story actually of a guy who wanted to build a better car, and he put three headlights on it. The headlights would turn as you turn the wheel. It was the first person who introduced safety belts. And he basically was taking the task and driven out of business by the Big Three who thought he was too much competition.

And so he was in his genius, and there are actually I think 50 Tucker's that were made and that's it. So, before they shut him down. And so Steve Jobs to like, he saw something that needed fixing and instead of just giving up he, you know, threw everything at it, and that's kind of how I look at life.

It's like you see a need and my mother would say, see a need and fill it. You know, I mean she was always leading by example and how-to, you know, and she saw the refugees coming in from Vietnam actually back in the 70s, she recognized that in their culture, they would be humiliated to take welfare, because they were had such a strong cultural pride that they were you know trained physicians and pharmacists and authors and all these amazing attributes, but when they came to America they couldn't do any of that because they didn't have the tools, the resources.

So she literally went to her local college in town and said to the president said hey we need to help these people like you know you should have a course on how to, you know, get a job, how to become an American citizen the illegally, so they can take advantage, not just be thrown money, you know from the government, which will not be sustainable, like we should do something like this and he was like, then you should do it. 

And she's like, What is like yeah I know that you have a nursing or a teaching credential from 30 years ago. Why don't you come up with a curriculum, and then I'll feed these people to you and you could help them so long story short, she basically came up with a program that they converted to the state of California human resources. 

They said says, Well this is working so well for the Vietnamese refugees, can you help the hardcore unemployed? So she did a whole program and I helped her. I remember being a little girl, I was probably 10, at the time, holding this giant video camera.  She was teaching people interview skills, how to get a job, she was, you know I mean I could go on and on about my mom like she was such an amazing... 

They've now taken her model, in the last 20 or 30 years have spread this across the community colleges across the country she never, you know, made me money or, you know, made this into a course in her name on it or anything, but I have this like, amazing pride knowing that she has helped 1000s of people and at her funeral. 

This woman walked up to me and I said you look so familiar and she says, Oh, I've been sending you Christmas cards for the last 20 years. I said, Oh, I said it's been on my refrigerator at home. And, and she said, Yeah, your mom changed my life. I said, What do you mean she says yeah, before your mom I said she says, I was a third-generation welfare recipient. I didn't know that I could do anything. 

I thought it was a loser and because of your mom, I now have a husband and a family. I learned how to walk with my shoulders back and, and I can shake someone's hand and look him in the eye and I never had that confidence before your mother. And I was like, I can almost cry right now thinking about that. I was like, 

Me too. 

Yeah, I mean, it was like, wow, and she says you have quite the legacy to live up to. And those words just sunk in, I'm like, Oh, okay. And, you know, she's like, you know, one person can change the world and your mom's proof. So, I just, you know I'm filled every day with that drive to be loaded up to, you know, that not anything negative pressure is, it's just an honor to if I can help just one person better their life I think I might be a little bit like my mom.

Right, well okay so as you. So we have the full story about your mom and there that's so rich with examples of traits and qualities and values so if you were to extract, you know, give me a few, like, one-word descriptions of what that was a demonstration of for you.

Wow. Yeah. Traits qualities. Yeah, leadership, compassion, um positivity. My mother was the ultimate optimist. Um, encouragement. You know, all those things. She was just a light, a bright light. And when she walked in a room, she was like a magnet. Everyone was just drawn to her. And she would make you feel like you were the only person in the room.

You know she would listen to you, you know, hold your hand and give you a hug and pray with you or just give you a one-word of encouragement and you walked away feeling better. From that brief inner you know, exchange of words with her like she was so beloved, and you know I was, I always felt like such, such a lucky girl like to have her be my mom and my role models, so I did start talking about Steve Jobs but I realized that it really is my mom, who was and I, and I still have her in my head, she's been having now for 16 years and I still have her in my head I remember her telling me, you need to charge more Mary. 

And I was like, what and she's like you, what you offer is amazing. It's brilliant, like you're barely charging enough for that like people are willing to pay for your genius. And I was like, oh my gosh Hello Yvonne your thing is genius activation, but she would tell me that she's like, people are willing to pay for your genius, you shouldn't discount yourself, literally and figuratively. Right. And so, where I always am giving it away everyone's while here my mom I'm like, Alright mom.

So good. Beautiful. All right, well this is really perfect so in the work that I'm doing with people to, you know, typically one on one and not in an episode is like exploring all of these different things that like call you know, speak to your heart and are inspiring to you so you know I you know I don't know if you're familiar with this or not but I've come to the distinction that like inspiration is something that you are like compelled to do motivation is that something that you that like you have to like, get yourself to do. 

Motivation is kind of like something that is on the outside of you that like you have to utilize in order to get into action versus like inspiration is something that comes from inside of you and so I've made the connection that each of us has our extraordinarily unique expression of genius and the things that speak to our heart, are the things that are clues to what our genius is.

So, like we just have we've, we've come into a gold mine with a, with a, with a role model of your mother. And so now we're going to start to actually move into a different area of exploration, so we've kind of begun to distinguish and define what genius is to you. And now we're going to start looking to see where it is thriving, and where it is not.

There are four P's Okay, personal professional people, and places, so this is just like a very broad way to categorize these things, you may want to move something from one category to another depending on how you relate to it. 

You know like you could look at personal and have finances be under, you know, personal or you can look at professional and have finances be under professional or there might be a category for both of those but just generally speaking. Personal might be like finances, you know, Your spiritual practices, you know your self-care. 

That kind of thing. Professional would be, you know, philanthropy stuff that you do, your business, your, you know, career, all of those your legacy.  People would be relationships, your relationship with yourself, your significant other, your children, your employees, your, the people that hire you. 

And then places. Now, this is a very interesting one. So the way that you show up, especially these days, where everybody. Everybody's become very careful about how they speak, and show up places are there are different ways that you show up so like when you go to a networking meeting you were like showing up to like give the best image of your business when you're like hanging out with your best friend, You might be like let it all hang out. So you know some places you feel really just yourself, and there's like no holds barred and you're just completely fully self-expressed, and then other places you feel a little tentative a little reserved, that kind of thing

I'm going to begin to ask you these questions, with each of these areas and you can answer them as a whole or you could even break them down into like sub-division sub-divided categories, okay, okay. So, when it comes to your personal area of life. Would you say that you are disconnected, complacent, or thriving?

I think I'm thriving, I've got a, I mean, there's always room for improvement, of course, but I, you know, live in a, in a beautiful home and I have all my, my chickens in the nest, my husband and my three kids are here and we have a really good relationship so we have a lot of fun. You know game nights and, you know, family dinners, watch a lot of movies together. So I feel blessed, even though I would love for them to be out in the world, enjoying their life, especially my youngest who is a freshman in college. I wish she could be away at her school.

But at the same time selfishly it's fun to have her here. I think where if you're looking for like positives and negatives, I think that we're I have room for improvement is that I have a hard time with balance when it comes to work and family life, because I'm at a point now of scaling my business and I definitely need some help. So I'm looking for some interns or some, some more staff members to help, so I'm not in my office all the time or if I'm watching a movie with a family I'm on my phone. 

Okay, so, really, really quickly let me interject so we you move from personal into professional so let's go ahead and like label professional with one of those three words. Okay, Can disconnected, complacent, or thriving now remember complacent is this fine just couldn't be better. Like, there's something more disconnected, I have no clue. Thriving like everything is optimized, it's amazing.

Oh, I'm sorry for blending the two but since I've worked out in my home for the past, they feel blended. Yeah, well I should say for the past 26 years yeah definitely blended and yeah, and a lot of people, of course now joined the working at home even if they didn't choose that originally plan because of, you know COVID And so they're really struggling with something that I've dealt with for the past 20 years like our businesses online, so I'm blessed with the fact that I can set my own schedule and go meet my clients when I want to and when there's no traffic I live in California Hello.

So they do blend and so, but yeah I wish…  When it comes to personal life, complacent, I guess, you said it's alright. Like I said, I, I have a great time with my family, but I sure would love more time with my girlfriends, you know, going, going, doing more things, even though I've been really purposeful lately of setting up, you know, Zoom calls with them and I'm trying to be really. I'm trying to protect that. Those relationships because those are very important to me. 

When it comes to, to professional. It is also going well except as I mentioned before I'm really at the point now of wanting to scale my business and so I really need to find some, some people that I can trust and have some of the skills that would translate because I don't know about you but I am kind of a control freak, and sometimes it's easier just to do it myself, but doing it myself means that I have a ceiling, and I know I need to expand and I can, and you know I think it's just easier if I do it, you know, and then teach someone and then correct them or help them or you know all these different things that goes into having, you know, staff members,

And in the 32 years in business, we've had big staffs and then gone back down and then built them back up and God based on the season of life for clients or whatever. So I know the difference, and I'm at that point so I'm, I've reached almost capacity, and what I can do personally and I want to be able to serve at a higher level so I just need to take that plunge again. What was the other area of personal, professional? What was the other one?

Well, so it's just, it's, I'm noticing something very interesting like there really is a blending of all of these different areas for you so you what I heard you, you, you called out certain things like friends with relationships with friends, that you know you would even like more from so once again that would be land in the bucket of complacent.

So, right. So the only area that's still missing is places, and, like, I you know I've had a personal experience of you. So, I, I'm, I'm wondering if, how you're going to label this is what I believe you're going to label it. But, so once again, places like these are all the different, you know, environments that you show up in, in life, you know, is your role consistent? Are you fully expressed? Specifically, this is how your is this conversation is how we can thrive in your genius. So whenever you actually are in this location or that location, be it a zoom for networking, zoom with a client.

I don't know like when we were able to travel when you did go these places like is are you living the full expression of your genius and all of those areas? is it completely… Are you thriving? Is it totally optimized? Or is there room for improvement, and evolution? Or are you just totally like, I don't know what to do, totally disconnected I'm lost?

Well, as a baseline I truly believe that we all have room for improvement, so it's hard for me to say, you know, on your scale 100% thriving on anything then. But, you know I feel like when I show up, either online or in-person, that energizes me I'm the type of person that gets energy from other people. So I am an extrovert. 

But what's interesting is my husband says I am a light switch, so I'm either on full-on, or I'm off, and, and I'm off easily like when I finally like, wrap myself like next to him and you know put my hand on his shoulder, that's when I turn off like I any and so but at the same time I kind of feel bad like I'm off for him. 

So he says you know I have to like, you know, be on when we, you know, have fun and go out and have a go at a winery or something like that, which I do, but I'm saying is is that you all this need a place to, you know, the home and be able to turn off and now have to be on all the time like a bright light, but I feel like I do put out a lot of energy, and so it does get tiring.

So, so in that side of it I always wonder, am I a full extrovert, or do I have a little introvert? I do get tired but then I think no, it's just that I'm human, yeah exactly humans get tired. We can't be omnipresent or something, I think. 

So I, but so yeah I'm aware that I do in fact it's funny because I work with my sister, who's also a new eWomen member, and she is on as well. She's also a light switch and when she's on, I'm very aware of her, and I'll say things like dim it down girl dim it down. That is so cute. 

She... I can see her energy and she's older than I am, you know, she's exactly 10 years older than me. And so I don't want her to run out of energy and so I've got that maternal like yeah protection of her but I don't do that for myself. Because of course, I’m myself. So, it's interesting you can always see in others what you know, we'd like to improve in ourselves so I'm always they have that protective vibe.

So how would you label places? I would say thriving. Beautiful and I like that's like I said, originally I was like, I believe that that's what it's going to be because I've seen you in so many different environments. And my experience of you is that you are just fully expressed all the time and it's, it's a beautiful thing. That's not, don't, don't, don't be embarrassed. That's a beautiful thing, it's like hard for a lot of people to achieve. So that's really awesome. 


Yeah, so the next little phase is we're going to actually look at. We're gonna just go against like choose two different places so previously you just went crazy describing how like, because of your passion about your, your, your business so when you are like, fully thriving in your business, Like, what are you actually doing in a typical day.

Okay. Well, I think what I'm doing is, you know, obviously, I'm in action right so things are happening. I find it like when you mentioned with, with, especially with places. I feel like it's very interactive, I get to use my creativity. You know, even when, my professional life, which, of course, my complacency equals the fact that I want to do better and scale it so I feel like I'm thriving but I really feel like I need to move it to the next level. 

Because when I feel like I'm, I'm in action and I'm doing things with my clients that are making them feel like they're being taken care of. That I'm solving their problems right I mean I love being of service so when a client has a challenge and I can unpack it and figure out a solution and with my team, I can be like, Oh my gosh, how can we fix this and how can you do that.

It really unleashes our collective creativity to come up with fun promotions and, which is what my zone of genius has been for the past 32 years. It’s really coming up with another brilliant idea which is our business name. But, you know, no pressure or anything but you know, except to have those.

And when you mentioned feeling I mean doing that like and coming up with something like we have this local cookie company we came up with the campaign for to build their favorite, you know, scone I think we did another one on cookie, and it was so fun seeing the community come together and vote and we did all these fun little things to increase their numbers and everything, and they got all these really great like ideas and were able to come up with new recipes and new products actually that made them more money as we've helped, you know, double their business over year over year. 

And so that does, it makes me feel joyful, fulfilled, playful. I feel like when I'm, it's not work, it's what my dad always said that he says, if you can find something that you love to do, being paid is just icing on the cake. You know right? So, I do feel empowered when I come up with that solution or solve someone's problem and, and the more people I can do that too awesome and maybe that ties back to the professional wanting to scale because I don't want to say, I'm so sorry I can't take any more clients right now.

You know because I don't want to ever serve anyone at not my full capacity, I don't want to ever give anybody a half-ass service.

So, you know, now I have to make sure this is explicit. So funny. All right. 

So in contrast, when your genius is not when it seems the price is not being expressed. So, in the areas of your professional and your relationships with people. 

So, what makes it. What's your you've spoken just a little bit to it so like what, just expand a little bit on the unfulfilling part so what are you like not doing not thinking, like, not like what are you not feeling that you do want to do think and feel. 

Yeah. Well, I have to take the time to focus on our business, like I focus on my clients' business. So, stopping and creating the processes and the systems and the protocols for our team to follow. Instead of just winging it like every time creating something new for every client, it drives my partner crazy. You know he's like, every job is not to be custom, like, you could actually follow a protocol because what you've done for these clients works really well and sticks to what works. 

So I feel like I need to do that so I do feel more creative in our own business, not just with customers, business. And when it comes to relationships, since I thrive on them, I think it's just spending quality time with other humans, you know, brings me joy, and so not being able to hug them and touch them. I mean it's a big deal for me.

I know you give the best hugs.

And so it's like we have a glimmer of that this weekend we had friends come over, we had a game night that we haven't had, we have this trophy that goes back and forth and we had again for years, like we didn't realize on the trophy it was written to that when you're Barnett's 2017 winners, you know, and it was like I was so filled with joy, like, that I could interact with other humans that just made me so happy. 

And we're all healthy and everything was fine and, but I think getting back to more of that will help the mental health of so many people so I'm looking forward to the ability not to feel socially shamed for seeing another human.

Alright, Mary, so we have absolutely created such a beautiful goldmine of things to draw upon to distinguish what your personalized genius code is. And to dig a little bit deeper into that we're going to select. You know one of these two areas that you said there's complacency. So, with either professionals or people pick one thing that you want to focus on. To address like here in this session. So, either professional or with people.

Definitely professional, and like I said we're, I'm at that breaking point of needing this scale. So we, you know, can truly thrive in our business.

So, yes, and then what is the thing that you think is missing with that one.

What is missing? I just need to find someone who I can pour into and train up to help be declared like basically clone myself to, I mean I would oversee and things but that's the challenge is pouring the time into building somebody up that I can have, be an active team member on some of the things that we're doing for clients.

And, up until now what has stopped you or prevented you from doing that?

Setting aside the time to do it. I just have been like head down,

I'm gonna ask you again. I'm gonna ask you again. So then what's, what's preventing you from not taking that setting the time aside

I just haven't had my priorities straight. I guess I have been so focused on serving clients that I haven't served ourselves.

So perhaps, maybe the priorities, it’s not that the priorities aren't straight, but there are conflicting priorities. Okay. Right, so like, yeah, yeah. Because you still have, you have a priority of getting someone on board so that you can serve your clients on a deeper level. Right, right. Okay. So, you know what values are those. So the value of serving your clients and the value of like bringing this person that you can pour into.

Oh, huge, man. I know that once I have that setup, it’s going to be so much easier. That system setup will be so much easier to add more and more team members. So we can take on more and more and help more people. So I understand the importance of it. I just hadn't prioritized blocking off time to work internally, versus working on client stuff so I just have to make that a priority, definitely.

Okay, so of all the things that we have distinguished like the different values that you see and your mom, your role model, you know you've you've expressed multiple levels and dimensions and facets of your genius in this particular call, so which of all of those do you think you could bring to this situation of prioritizing to get this new person to pour into, which one would be, make the biggest difference.

I'm so sorry, could you rephrase that it is based on the role model of my mother, like how much it would have my mother done it?

Not so much like so. 

There are so many qualities and traits and characteristics that you have spoken of that you admire so these are, as I've mentioned before, things that point to your unique expression of genius. Yes, so, in, in the reality that you have not yet prioritized to bring this extra person on board to pour into there is your, your genius is not being fully self-expressed, because, like, otherwise, like the solution you would have access to, you know that that innovation that you already possess that you've been demonstrating I think you said for 32 years.

So there's that you're not yet accessing your genius when it comes to prioritizing to find this person right to pour into so that you can continue to serve your clients on a deeper level right, you know, which of the qualities, traits, values, and characteristics that you've distinguished in our conversation today, which, of all of those things that you've mentioned would like make a difference in this in this situation.

Well, it's interesting that you bring it up that way because. And like I said, we do have a team that we work with, but it's just the point where we now have to expand to a whole nother level. So, where everyone is doing their jobs well it's just the, it's my job, which I've held on to because as I mentioned before I'm a control freak. 

And so, when thinking about how my mother would have done it brings me up to one of my coaches, she would get thinkers and I think you know her. She is, she has encouraged me to create a mobile marketing academy, so to speak, that I would train up people that would help them in their own business, help them right like use our software to light label the offer that to their clients...

But this might be a way now that you brought it up that way of me being able to pour into someone to then have them be qualified to work for me as well as a consultant. So it might actually might help me reframe it in my mind that if I'm helping someone reach a different level for themselves that might inspire me to do something. So I'm not being greedy and holding that person to myself but serving them on a higher level, in turn, being able to give them a project to work with me on our staff might actually be the solution. They wouldn't get myself out of my own way.

That is so amazing, look how you just turn that genius right on

Yeah, thank you for inspiring that thought girl. 

Yes, well, that, that once again that is exactly what this call is about, is to like give you a breakthrough and thriving in your genius and what I also heard you say, is that you called yourself a control freak and this is really amazing because when you share that with me. I was like this is absolutely the best place to start on your genius journey moving from just accessing it all the way to mastering it by addressing this like this, that's a conversation like that's an inner, you know, in your mind conversation that's creating a limitation for moving forward.

And so what's really beautiful is in this conversation you were able to speak it and then move past it. That's really awesome. But what that's an expression of is that there is what I call a survival code in play. So there's something you know that happened at some point in your past that actually causes you to flip on the switch of being a control freak and then that's what's actually placing a limitation on the full expression of your genius in certain circumstances.

Interesting, yes. So what's really amazing is when you struggle when that flip when that switch gets flipped, you don't have access to your genius, and what's really beautiful when I work with people is that we distinguish what the source of that is, so I've mentioned in the welcome episode that I created something called the genius activation sequence.

And in that process, I have a conversation with someone like the one I've had with you today, where we like we explore all these areas and then, by virtue of that, we are able to identify that there are survival codes in place. And then I create a customized meditation to actually help release what that survival code is like uninstalling it. 

And in the process of the conversation we actually also utilize what we discover to create what their genius code is and then I create a secondary meditation that actually rewires their brain with their new genius codes so that on a daily basis every 24 hours, they listen to that. And it reminds them of what their genius code is, activates it, and gets them in alignment with it, with it for the next 24 hours. So, that's just really it's beautiful you we got there.

So brilliant girl. Look at you!

Oh my goodness, but you did just an amazing job and it's really great is, you know, now it's, it's like it's so instant you, you demonstrated it right here on this call the moment that the genius gets activated, you, you fall into step, you fall into step with it, you become aligned with it.

And then it's just like you heard yourself as like and then dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah and we could do this and I could add this and then you'd like all, it just becomes clear so you see the people, the places the things, and the structures, the systems that need to be put in place. As soon as you are in alignment with your genius and you demonstrated it right here in real-time on this call, it's amazing. 

So I really acknowledge you for just cutting loose and going there. And I just want to hear from you, because we are going to wrap up today's episode, you know what was the biggest takeaway from this time together today.

Wow. Um, well, those things. You know what you need to do is already in you. Exactly. And obviously Yvonne, you now have the key to unlock what that code is because you already know it, like I've had people tell me, for my mother saying you need to charge more to my coaches saying, you need to really create programs that are going to help people, you know, be activated so to speak, and help them to help them reach to a level which speaks to me like, we'll always do other do things for other people like your children, but you were you won't do it for yourself. 

So, knowing that I have the tools that can serve at that level, and prioritizing the time to put them together, to, to uplevel what we're doing for the world that it does it gives you a comforting feeling of knowing that, that, that is doable, and that I, I have the tools I need, I just need to give myself the time to lay them out on the table in front of and whoever would like to scoop them up and use them, can and those who don't, it's okay. I can offer that, and it'll be awesome. So, thank you.

That is amazing and Mary, I just want to say thank you so much for being the first one to be so grateful I really am grateful that you were just like we're so generous, vulnerable, brave, transparent, and you just gave it gave it all gave it your all and I really appreciate you for that. And I also just want to invite any of the listeners of the genius activation podcast if you are interested in being in the heart seat for your very own genius exploration conversation, make sure that you apply. And with that, I will say our episode is complete.

Awesome. And by the way, it doesn't hurt, and everyone would love it so I encourage those to apply and be in the heart seat because Yvonne is amazing.

Oh, thank you so much, Mary. I love you so much. And with that, I will say goodbye. I'll see you in our next episode.