Genius Activation Podcast

Podcast Mission Welcome Episode

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Genius Activation Podcast, you’ll get a brief insight into the vision of the show. In a nutshell, the vision is for women everywhere to live in their genius so they can “crush it” WITHOUT compromising their joy, passion, and fulfillment. As an Entrepreneur herself, your host shares her vulnerable and empathetic connection to the unique challenges faced by women business owners. She shares how her high-performance clients have overcome these challenges and have created sustainable harmony in their lives without sacrifice. Yvonne shares how she intends to use this podcast to help you access, activate, and align with your genius so you can do the same!

Episode Notes

Episode Quotes:


Episode Notes:

In this episode of the Genius Activation Podcast, you’ll get a brief insight into the vision of the show. In a nutshell, the vision is for women everywhere to live in their genius so they can “crush it” WITHOUT compromising their joy, passion, and fulfillment. 

As an Entrepreneur herself, your host shares her vulnerable and empathetic connection to the unique challenges faced by women business owners. She shares how her high-performance clients have overcome these challenges and have created sustainable harmony in their lives without sacrifice.

Yvonne shares how she intends to use this podcast to help you access, activate, and align with your genius so you can do the same! 


Episode Highlights:


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About Your Host:

Yvonne’s unique expression of genius is in creating joy, healing, and fulfillment. Some of the many vehicles she uses to express her genius are as a singer-songwriter, author, speaker, podcaster, coach, and healer. Her work is guiding people to live in their genius. This requires mastering the Resilience Response™ which is the complete rewiring of your Survival Codes™ into Genius Codes™. 

A partial list of her training includes master certifications in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), life/executive coach, timeline therapy, hypnotherapy, emotional release, massage, and Reiki. She’s integrated decades of these studies into successful practices and processes to adapt to the energetic and linguistic changes one needs to make in their both subconscious and their daily life to allow her clients to immediately release negative, self-sabotaging behavior patterns and instantly transform and replace them with positively integrated, desire focused activities, techniques, tools, and outcomes.

The Play To Win Podcast is her first international* platform to be a visionary catalyst for entrepreneurs to discover how to master the art of fulfillment. *Currently in 44 countries! Now, she’s bringing her proprietary systems of working with personal energies and internal language directly to you with the Genius Activation Podcast!

To find out more about Yvonne’s own Back Story & Genius Journey listen to Episode Two.


Episode Transcription

Genius Activation Podcast: Welcome Episode

Welcome to today's show. I'm Yvonne Larson your host. 

This is the welcome episode and first, I want to thank you for taking the time to give this a listen. 

So thank you, and just know that I deeply appreciate you. 

Speaking of time, time is actually the only resource that we have that isn't renewable so I'm going to give you a brief overview of the show so that you can know if it resonates with you and if you feel that listening to this podcast is really where you want to invest your precious time and that will actually make a difference for you. So let's go ahead and get started. 

This show is going to be a little different from the majority of podcasts, you may have come across. Up until now, but it's because it's come into existence as a result of discovering a need in the world. 

So what was that need?

Well, given that most of my clients are perceived by everyone around them to be high-performance women. Unfortunately, they still feel inadequate and dissatisfied by their extraordinarily long list of accomplishments. 

And it's because they're juggling being a wife, a mother, a friend, a leader with serving their community and the school and the church, all the while making sure that their business thrives. 

These women are exhausted, they're stressed out and, quite frankly, overwhelmed. And they need to stop doing “all the things”, all these things that aren't bringing them joy, passion, and fulfillment. Instead, they need to start living in alignment with their genius. 

So, the podcast vibe is meant to be, chill. It’s designed for you to take a few moments out of your day. That will incrementally impact your life. It's actually meant to be a resource for you to pause and reflect and introspect on how you can bring more joy, passion, and fulfillment into your life. 

So for that reason, it will have content that sparks your curiosity and compels you into exploring what is not bringing you joy, passion, and fulfillment, so that you have the insights and the aha moments that do lead you to living, what I call, your legacy life.

Now, what I mean by living your legacy life is that you are so in alignment with your genius that in the morning when you wake up, you're either with an alarm or not with an alarm but that moment when you wake up... 

You are so full of excitement and joy and passionate about your day you think about your calendar and your schedule and all the things that there are for you to do and the people there are few to meet and the projects you're going to engage with, and you cannot wait to just spring out of bed and get going. 

And then as your day progresses, you notice that you have just great levels of energy and vitality and it's just sustained throughout the whole day because you're so clear that everything you're doing is on point.

You're in the flow like you're only doing the things that bring you joy and fulfillment and you know exactly what to say yes to you know exactly what to say no to. There's no like effort in doing that, it's just such a clear. Yes, and it's such a clear No. 

And then at the end of your day. As you reflect on the impact and the influence that living in your genius had... 

You see the difference it made in your family, your friends, your relationships with your co-workers, and your business. And you're just so aware of how grateful and satisfied you are with the day that you just lived. 

That is what it looks like to be in alignment with your genius. And this is what gives you access to living your legacy life. 

So why the heck do I even care about more women living their legacy life? 

Well, the Dalai Lama made a statement that the world will be saved by the western woman. This statement has become a popular quote to empower and inspire women and with good reason. However, I believe, the truth is, all women, not just Western women, all women all over the world, simply do the work at hand that's required of them. 

It's these ordinary daily actions that add up and translate into what we then label as extraordinary.  My contribution to women saving the world is in the ordinary daily action of getting as many women thriving in their genius, as I possibly can. My vision is that this will create the butterfly effect of all people everywhere, living lives of joy, passion, and fulfillment. 

My desire is to make that tiny difference in your day. That gives you that initial push that propels you into a massive transformation that you will experience from living in, and from your own expression of genius. 

So in this podcast, we'll explore from every single angle, what it means to live in your genius. It will be a weekly show as we roll out our first few episodes. And then, as genius strikes, I'll drop in a few bonus episodes during the week but you can expect a new show every Wednesday. 

There are going to be three types of episodes: solo shows, conversations with other experts, and, in real-time, one-on-one coaching for you to thrive in your genius. 

In the solo shows, I'll be offering my insights, wisdom, and expertise accumulated over three decades of spiritual professional, and personal studies that have culminated into the genius Activation System, so that you can begin on your journey on the path to your genius.

In the guest, expert shows we'll have deep dive conversations about the fears, challenges, and obstacles that distract and disrupt you from integrating the genius distinctions into your life, as well as what structures will support you in staying aligned with your genius. 

Finally, in the live coaching episodes, you will get to be that fly on the wall, so to speak, listening in, as I work with one brave genius activation podcast listener who wants to activate, access, or align with their genius in a deeper way. 

Now, if you are that brave listener, and you want to apply to be in the heart seat and have a heart-to-heart conversation with me about your genius. Then go to and get on my calendar. 

So you may be wondering, at this point what qualifies me to speak on this topic. So let me answer that question, I'll go deeper into my story in the next episode for those of you who are interested in all of those details for now here's, like, a 60-second answer. 

I've accumulated around 40,000 hours with my clients one on one, helping them get into alignment with their genius. What has evolved into the genius Activation System is a constant evolution from over three decades of spiritual professional personal studies and an extensive list of certifications including NLP master practitioner. 

But the bottom line is, essentially, the work that I now do is an integration of all of these things. And honestly, how I do what I do is much less important than the incredible results, it's produced for those that I've had the honor and the privilege to serve for all these years. 

So I think that's just about it. I've covered everything that there is to expect from this podcast so now it's time for me to extend my invitation. 

If you resonate with the vision and purpose of the show, and you want to thrive in your genius. I would love to have you as an active and engaged listener!

Please feel free to connect with me on social media, and to join our Facebook group, and you can get those details at

This podcast, social media, my Facebook group, these are all ways that I am looking to serve you, the woman who's a business owner, freelancer, or juggling a passion project on the side…   

It's time for you to have less stress and overwhelm without compromising your influence, impact, and income. You can ditch the busy badge, you can escape the entrepreneurial grind, and you can actually start thriving in your genius. 

If that's you, this show is for you! 

So that is it for the welcome episode. In Episode Three, we will start exploring the distinction of genius. But first, and Episode Two, you can get to know me a little bit better, as I share in more depth about my personal journey of thriving in my genius. 

Bye for now.