Genius Activation Podcast

Exploring Genius

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Genius Activation Podcast, you’ll get a new perspective of what “genius” really means. Whenever the word genius is mentioned immediately we have a mental picture of the greats like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison. The truth is that all of us innately possess the capacity to be seen by others as a genius. What did these iconic personalities know that you need to know? That’s exactly what I’ll reveal in this episode!

Episode Notes

Episode Quotes:

Genius is our soul's DNA. It's actually the source code created for your entire life, at the moment of your conception. And we get to spend our entire life. unpacking, our genius, discovering our genius. Building a profound relationship with our genius. And there are processes. To access it, activate it, and align with it. ” ~ Yvonne Lynn Larson

Episode Notes:

In this episode of the Genius Activation Podcast, you’ll get a new perspective of what “genius” really means. Whenever the word genius is mentioned immediately we have a mental picture of the greats like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison. The truth is that all of us innately possess the capacity to be seen by others as a genius. What did these iconic personalities know that you need to know? That’s exactly what I’ll reveal in this episode! 

Episode Highlights:

Episode Links:

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About Your Host:

Yvonne’s unique expression of genius is in creating joy, healing, and fulfillment. Some of the many vehicles she uses to express her genius are as a singer-songwriter, author, speaker, podcaster, coach, and healer. Her work is guiding people to live in their genius. This requires mastering the Resilience Response™ which is the complete rewiring of your Survival Codes™ into Genius Codes™. 

A partial list of her training includes master certifications in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), life/executive coach, timeline therapy, hypnotherapy, emotional release, massage, and Reiki. She’s integrated decades of these studies into successful practices and processes to adapt to the energetic and linguistic changes one needs to make in their both subconscious and their daily life to allow her clients to immediately release negative, self-sabotaging behavior patterns and instantly transform and replace them with positively integrated, desire focused activities, techniques, tools, and outcomes.

The Play To Win Podcast is her first international* platform to be a visionary catalyst for entrepreneurs to discover how to master the art of fulfillment. *Currently in 44 countries! Now, she’s bringing her proprietary systems of working with personal energies and internal language directly to you with the Genius Activation Podcast!

Tune in to Episode Four to continue exploring genius through the Genius Journey of Mary Barnett!

Episode Transcription

Welcome to today's show, I'm Yvonne, your host and just as promised, today we are going to be discussing genius. What is genius?

This is super exciting for me to have this conversation, because I, as I shared in the last episode, have been on my own genius journey, and I've created this podcast to continue to explore what genius is... 

I don't really profess to know everything that there is to know about genius, but what I do know is that it is a very misunderstood thing. It's more of a concept for people than it is a distinction, and for me I really love distinctions.

We take so much for granted about how we live our lives and how we think about things. And you'll also hear me say over and over, that is so critical for us to pause, reflect and introspect.

When we take the time to do this, then we begin to discover the things that are in our life, our patterns, our thoughts, our values, our belief systems just all of our automatic ways of being that we haven't actually looked at.

And when we do that we aren't living lives that are conscious, and that are full of joy and passion and fulfillment, we're kind of on autopilot.

As I said, when we get to take that time to pause, reflect and introspect then we get to distinguish things that kind of live in our mind as a concept rather than a very well-formulated distinction that we have created a relationship with.

I call this whole process. The 3D process.  So it’s distinguish, define and design. When we take that time to distinguish what it is and define it for ourselves in our own words through our own perspective, and values, then we get to go design our life around this newly formed distinction and we have a really profound relationship with it.

Let's have a conversation about genius. Most people, when you think about genius, have this concept that to be genius, it's reserved for someone who has an extraordinary gift, extraordinary talents, extraordinary IQ, maybe they're, you know, an extraordinary inventor…

The people that typically come to mind are Einstein or Edison or Nikola Tesla. And maybe even more present-day moguls, like the man behind the Virgin brand, Richard Branson, or the creator of Cirque du Soleil, Guy Liberté.  These are all people who have just really profound gifts and talents and creativity and all of that. And yes, by all means, these individuals are geniuses! But I want you to look at genius newly. I want you to look at it through a lens, of every single individual is a genius. 

My super brief definition of genius is that it is your soul's DNA. It's actually the source code created for your entire life, at the moment of your conception. And we get to spend our entire life. unpacking, our genius, discovering our genius. Building a profound relationship with our genius. And there are processes. To access it, activate it, and align with it. 

And that is what this whole podcast is about every single time that I come and create an episode and share what's going on in my life. Currently, or what has occurred in my life in the past that comes up, and brings my awareness to where I am, thriving in my genius, or where I'm totally not will be an opportunity where I'm discovering genius as a distinction.

The conversations that I have with individuals in the heart seat doing their Elevate Your Genius Session, live, we'll be exploring what it looks like in their life and in their current circumstances, and through their genius journey.

And even in the expert sessions that we'll have with our Genius Zone Mastermind Experts, the same thing! We are just going to look at all of these beautiful nuances of genius. And what it looks like to get out of that perpetual stress response where we're in survival mode all the time and be able to live in sync with our genius.

And really experience this life of always expanding and growing and evolving and seeing new ways that we can experience our genius, live our genius, give our genius to the world, and the various avenues that we can share it.  All the different opportunities and vehicles, and platforms that we can share our genius with the world. 

So this is the direction that we're going to go with the podcast, and I hope that you enjoy looking at genius, from a whole new perspective, a whole new viewpoint, just allowing yourself to suspend everything that you have thought genius was before, and allow yourself to just be really curious. What does genius look like for you? Distinguish what genius is for you.

And through these different practices that the experts will share with you, you're going to receive so many different tools that will allow you to synchronize with your genius, get in touch with that DNA, your soul's DNA. So that each day you are living in alignment with what that is and you're having so much joy, passion, and fulfillment as a result. 

So, today's episode is a super short episode. I hope that you enjoyed this little tiny, tiny episode. And like I said this isn't meant to completely unpack this distinction, this podcast as a whole is to explore this with you. 

And I'd love to hear what you define as your genius. Genius moments, being in your genius zone, your gifts, and the expression of your genius. So by all means, reach out to me and share that with me. You can respond and interact with me on IG at @GeniusActivationPodcast, 

And by all means, reach out if you want to be in the heart seat with your own Elevate Your Genius Session! With that, we're complete with today's show. See you next time.